Thursday, August 25, 2011

Brocante Furniture Market

I apologize for the absence around here lately, but I promise dear nuggets, it hasn't been in vain.  I've been working non stop and I'm so excited to finally share the news I was only able to randomly hint at before.

This past Sunday was the Dublin Brocante Market, were I (officially) unofficially launched my first furniture collection.

This is something I've slowly been working towards for what feels forever, a true labor of love (and blood, sweat and tears) that despite a few false starts has finally come together.
I've wanted to share all of this with you for ages, but every time I tried to write the words simply wouldn't come. In hindsight, I realize until now, that the timing was never quite right.

I believe that art is in essence an extension of oneself. As someone who is entirely self taught and still making mistakes learning as I go, my wavering confidence in my abilities prevented me from sharing that which had become so personal.

This market has been a goal of mine since the beginning of the year, a way to own my work and put myself out there. In the week leading up to it, despite being (mostly) prepared I hesitated telling anyone about it until Friday. Residual fears and doubts (hello neurosis, my old friend) kept creeping up but eventually the only way to silence those voices is to do that which you are scared of and embrace action.

The market was a wonderful experience and I am so grateful for the support of friends and most importantly S. Monster - without whom I wouldn't be where I am today.

I garnered a lot of attention and sold a few pieces but ultimately I realize that if I want this little business of mine to succeed, it's going to take a lot more than a stall at a market. It's going to be a lot of hard work, but I've always known that this market was merely a stepping stone. Now the real fun starts and mark my words - before I leave Dublin my name will be known.

Because you're the best nuggets anyone could ask for, here are a few sneak peeks from Sunday...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome woman! You rock the furniture world! I have to frame the little bot painting you sent me in the swap and put it up in the studio. I was just taking pics for the blog hop tomorrow and remembered I have an "orignal." So excited for your offically unofficial official launch!!


Thanks for showing some love :)

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